Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I just finished reading Choke by Chuck Palanhiuk. It was really great I'm glad I bought it. Now to read the rest of my bookshelf. I'm starting on the top shelf and working my way down to the more informative material. First literature, new age spiritual books, phsyics including einstein and michio kaku's books, a couple stephen hawking, then into psychology and i have one sociology book. there's also a few music books in there but we'll get to that later. My next goal is to finish reading the Alice MacLeod trilogy. I'm on the second book, Miss Smithers, though I don't remember where I left off. I suppose first I should finish the James Joyce book I started reading last week because it's due back at the library next Monday. I need to do homework tonight. Math and Creative Writing at least so I can free up tomorrow for Psych all day. I only slept 8 hours today which is odd. I went to bed at 1 and woke up at 9. Today my abs don't hurt as much which means I need to add either 15 or 30 more crunches to my routine. Hmmmm.

Today I woke up at 10 pm...

Wowzers I guess guilt blocks my blogging abilities. The truth is I drank some beers that night, and then on this previous Friday I got wasted at the bar. Not bad considering A. I'm broke and B. I usually would drink more than two days over the period of two weeks or whatever. I just finished reading Nice Recovery by Susan Juby and it was great, the last six chapters were mostly about treatment facilities and her interviewing those in recovery so I had to kind of push my way through it but I'm glad I finished it. I started into Choke by Chuck Palanhiuk and I've got to say it definitely is soothing my craving for a good psychomessed up kind of novel. I'm about three weeks into my classes now. I'm kind of behind in all of them I think. I haven't been sleeping well, at first I was getting tons of homework done during the night but now I've become kind of useless and I didn't end up doing any homework at all today. I have a Math class in two and a half hours on the computer/telephone so I should attend since apperantly that counts for 10% of your grade. Also I need to get my sleeping back to normal. I applied for a job at the Gas Bar down the road and I'm really keen on getting the job. I have a few good reasons:

1. I need money
2. It seems pretty easy enough I don't have to over exert myself
3. I might be able to get some reading in
4. I need money

I got a 90% on my first math test. Woo hoo. I'd like to stick to that, I also did it at 6 in the morning. I've decided to start dieting and working out more. Last night I did 60 crunches, 20 in three directions. Also I've discovered the shit load of skin products we have in our bathroom and have decided to start taking better care of my skin to reflect my care of body. I still have a fat ass beer belly though. I've been thinking of talking to my doctor lately for a couple reasons, A. I need to get refills for my migraine medication or something new since I have acquired some sort of taste aversion and B. discuss cyclothymia over the past four years since now I'm at a low and it's really bothering me. Well I guess it's only Tuesday, aslong as I get my creative writing done and finish my first chapters in psych today and maybe finish that math page I should be alright. I'm just a worry murray. I'm going to go read some more.

ps. While cleaning my bookshelf I found out I have 4 editions of Romeo and Juliet.... strange

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Lost count

I think it's only day 7. Last saturday, a week. J asked if I wanted a beer, should I go for it? We shall see, probably not. Be strong. I'm already thinking about next semester, english 100 and 112, as well as psychh 235. I wish there were more awards for a psych major. I could use the extra cash. I submitted a short story for creative writing, my focus now lies on math and psych 224, organizational behaviour. OB is really not what I thought it was, a lot more to do with workplace organization, but cool non the less. we need to go grocery shopping like now.

Friday, January 7, 2011

into the trees

and again and again and again and again. I've only been up 6 hours. It's a half past midnight. I plan on attending to some more homework. The Cure fills my ears, cochlea and all. Harmful chemicals, my lungs, my blood. In an instance I am back in my not-so-long-ago youth. Embarking day 8 of sobriety. And everything is cold now. My thoughts, a void. Currently that is all.

insomnia nia nia nia nia nia

Today was pretty swell, creative writing class was kind of boring. We have our first assignment though which seems alright and fairly easy. We have to compare our writing style with an author matched up by the site http://www.iwl.me/ Apperantly I write like James Joyce so now I must compare my excerpt with his. Tomorrow I'm going to indulge into some math and psychology, maybe creative writing later on but that can wait. More importantly math, psych and criminology. I'm scared for essays in Criminology, we seem to have quite a few. I'm excited to learn how to write in APA though. I think this semester is going to be a bit of a breeze, last semester was okay but getting back into the style of school was a bit tricky, I pulled through though. So far my week has been pretty lax. Tomorrow the real stuff begins though. I gotta crack down. My mother said tomorrow is a big shopping day. In her language that means we're low on things to eat and we better get to the store before we become malnurished. My dog is outside somewhere, she will not come in. I need to better my vocabulary. I wish it was raging with variety. I used to have a complex one, now it has fallen to the simplistic capacity of a failure. Damn. I think it improves every day though. Day 6 of sobriety.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


I just finished my first teleconference with my Math instructor and some other student. It was weird. I was on the phone for an hour. But now I know what to do, I feel bad I owe my mom some major money when my grandfather gets back. I quit my job. I'm broke now. I need to pay my phone bill still though. Damn. I have five days. I need to get dressed, do laundry, take my dog out, do homework. I have a creative writing course tonight at 6. Jeeze my life is already getting backed up. 5 days sober though. Tomorrow is the actual breaking point. I need to stay home. Read, clean, write, draw something other than drinking.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

sober....5 days

This is usually my breaking point. I haven't been to work this year. I want to elaborate on my mother. I know she's depressed. She sits on her computer all day playing pool and talking to her 'friends'. It's kind of sad. She lives off coffee and cigarettes. She's skin and bones. She dates guys online then they never call her again. I guess a lot of mothers are like this now. She doesn't care or notice I haven't been to work or that I'm depressed. I didn't mention I started going to meetings because she probably wouldn't have noticed and I'd have to say it twenty times before she said anything. 21st century mom, deluted by computer and online social networks. I messaged L, I told her I don't want to work anymore. I feel lame. I tried calling. Then I started crying. I want to avoid all that. I don't understand what's wrong with me. Oyea I found out it's only january 5. so thats 4 days sober. I'm getting ahead of myself here. I have Math class tomorrow at 10 am, online and Creative Writing at 6-9 pm. Stoked for both. I should organize myself now.